Date: April 6th & 7th, 2015
Dive Sites: Pelican Rock, North Wall, and Chileno Bay
Depth Range: 20-40 feet
Visibility: 20-30 feet
Temperature: 72 degrees
Current: Moderate to Strong
Waves: Moderate
Wind: Mild
Today Team Nautilus welcomed a family of divers into our family of divers. The two children had completed their PADI open water class and pool in California and wanted to finish their certifications here in Cabo San Lucas.
We started the day with a pool check out and then moved to the open water. CJ and Casey worked with the students and Dael took the parents on a guided tour. Pelican Rock was vibrant with life, but the outgoing current was strong on the first dive. We did our best to use the rock structures to shield us from the current, and did the skills near the principal rock, A surface float, down line, tag line and sand anchors provided a secure environment for the students. During the tour for pleasure the new divers encountered a huge school of yellow snapper and goat fish, as well as free swimming white tip sharks. The transition from confined water to open water can really be magical!
During the second day of certification dives three more family members joined the group. We started the excursion by incorporating a whale watching tour into the transit to Chileno Bay. Unfortunately today the whales were not too agreeable. Their were a couple of sightings but they were on the horizon line.
Once on location in Chileno the group was split between certified divers and students. The other family members snorkeled in the shallows of the protected bay.
After the first immersion, the group was escorted to shore where the other members of Team Nautilus had set up a beach picinic of Ceviche, tacos, and baguettes. The group relaxed for a couple hours enjoying the beauty of Chileno Beach. One of the students had a hard time equalizing on the first dive but a little Mexican salsa did the trick and was ready to go for round two! Congrats Todd on completing your PADI Open Water certification!
We wrapped up the day by motoring back to Cabo in search of time we will try to make reservations at the whale's corporate office...
Today Team Nautilus welcomed a family of divers into our family of divers. The two children had completed their PADI open water class and pool in California and wanted to finish their certifications here in Cabo San Lucas.
We started the day with a pool check out and then moved to the open water. CJ and Casey worked with the students and Dael took the parents on a guided tour. Pelican Rock was vibrant with life, but the outgoing current was strong on the first dive. We did our best to use the rock structures to shield us from the current, and did the skills near the principal rock, A surface float, down line, tag line and sand anchors provided a secure environment for the students. During the tour for pleasure the new divers encountered a huge school of yellow snapper and goat fish, as well as free swimming white tip sharks. The transition from confined water to open water can really be magical!
During the second day of certification dives three more family members joined the group. We started the excursion by incorporating a whale watching tour into the transit to Chileno Bay. Unfortunately today the whales were not too agreeable. Their were a couple of sightings but they were on the horizon line.
Once on location in Chileno the group was split between certified divers and students. The other family members snorkeled in the shallows of the protected bay.
After the first immersion, the group was escorted to shore where the other members of Team Nautilus had set up a beach picinic of Ceviche, tacos, and baguettes. The group relaxed for a couple hours enjoying the beauty of Chileno Beach. One of the students had a hard time equalizing on the first dive but a little Mexican salsa did the trick and was ready to go for round two! Congrats Todd on completing your PADI Open Water certification!
We wrapped up the day by motoring back to Cabo in search of time we will try to make reservations at the whale's corporate office...