Monday, March 16, 2015

Dive Report - March 10th, 2015

March 10, 2015
Location: Cabo San Lucas
Dive Sites: Blow Hole & Gavilantes

Depth Range:  30 to 70 feet
Visibility:  20 to 25 feet
Temperature:  72 degrees
Current:  Moderate
Waves:  Minimal
Wind:  Minimal

Today Nautilus Dive Tech conducted certified diver tours to a couple of the corridor dives sites.  Dael led the group and Casey accompanied the divers using his Hollis Prism 2 rebreather.  Before exiting the bay, the group spotted several whales. 

The first dive to Blowhole was a multi-level drift dive.  The current wasn't real strong but we ended up covering a pretty large area.  The group saw a couple of cow nose rays and several large parrot fish.  Some of the other animals included sting rays, schools of goat fish, lobsters, large puffers, and a school of juvenile trumpet fish. 

The second dive to Gavilantes was 30-50 feet deep.  We stopped by the “shark rock” to see if the resident white tips were home.  They must have been out for lunch (poor fish).  The new divers in the group saw their first Stone Fish.  Fortunately everyone followed the dive briefing… "please do not pet the stone fish”. Some of the other animals included an octopus, green moray eels, and parrot fish.

On the way back to the marina the group encountered several more whales that put on a heck of a show.  Normal transit time to the marina from Gavilantes is about 25 minutes!!  Today it took over an hour.  A mother and two calves put on a non-stop show of breaching, jumping, and fin slapping.  It was beautiful.  No matter how often you see this behavior it is always special!

NDT Staff

Photo of the day (maybe not THE day):

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